Real Crime Couples Who Kill

Real Crime Couples Who Kill

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Über Real Crime Couples Who Kill

As the saying goes, ‘love conquers all’ – including, in these cases, complete human depravity. For these couples, there is no limit to their love. Over the following pages, find out about some of the world’s sickest partners in crime, including the Moors Murderers, whose reign of sadistic terror sent five children to an early grave. The very faces of evil, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were locked up and left to rot for the rest of their lives. While Hindley willingly took part in their sick murder sick games, others – like Debra Brown, whose lover Alton Coleman raped and slaughtered his way through six US states – found themselves groomed for grimness. Turn the page to find out the appalling stories of lovers who’ve corrupted, ruined and devastated the lives of those around them.

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